Fox on Books

Book reviews, opinions, musings and ramblings. General bookish excitement!

Archive for the month “August, 2012”

Watermelon – by Marian Keyes

I associate Marian Keyes’ books with a blanket, a warm drink and a rainy day, and I’ve read most of her books in years past. I’ve just re-read Watermelon, and since I didn’t remember it at all well, I got to experience it all again:

What Claire always hoped for was this: a gorgeous husband, a good job, a nice home and most recently, an impending baby. So far, so good. What she didn’t expect was for her husband, James, to leave her the day she wakes up after giving birth to their beautiful baby girl.

Heartbroken and reeling, Claire flees back home to Dublin with her parents and siblings, and slowly tries to figure out how to put the picture of her life back together without James but with her daughter, Kate. And things do get better – but then James returns, looking to slot back into the role of husband. Claire has a decision to make: does her life have room for a James-shaped piece any more? Baby, Don’t Hurt Me:

Holier Than Thou – by Laura Buzo

I picked this up as an ARC from work. Laura Buzo’s first novel, Good Oil, was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Award, although I’ve not read it. Here’s what I thought of her second:

Holly is in many ways a typical young Australian adult. She did well in school so she could get into Uni, and she has a job she really believes in even though it’s sometimes hard to feel like she’s making a difference. Her main group of friends are busier than ever but will always be there for each other. She shares her very own flat with her very own perfect boyfriend, Tim. And Holly has a painful history, one that’s inevitably shaped who she is today.

In Holier Than Thou, we see snapshots of Holly’s life that have informed who she is today:  what’s hurt her, what’s overjoyed her, and what’s stayed with her through the years. Her Dad’s slow decline and death when she was in high school is the basis of Holly becoming a social worker, someone who helps those in impossibly bleak situations. Her friends’ steadfast companionship, which has remained constant through high school, University and beyond means security, understanding and support for Holly no matter what. Her non-relationship with the boy she pined over for too many years is a constant source of introspection, regret and second-guessing. And her current relationships with both Tim and Holly’s work partner Nick continue to provide warmth, comfort and optimism about the future. Ah, Young Love and Life:

The Fault In Our Stars – by John Green

This book has been a YA bestseller since its publication in January, and I’d been planning to read it for a while. A few days ago I started it in the afternoon – and stayed up until 1am that night to finish it. This is why:

Hazel Grace Lancaster knows she’s dying. The experimental drugs managed to buy her a few years, but the cancer will still win in the end. It sucks, don’t get her wrong – but Hazel’s impending demise isn’t all there is. There are still books, America’s Next Top Model, days with her mother and father, and even support group. And then one day, in support group, Hazel meet Augustus Waters – a gorgeous boy who thinks Hazel Grace is amazing.

Over the course of their small infinity together, Hazel and Gus are truly alive. And sometimes, they can even forget that their forever might not be as long as others’.

This novel’s plot is almost impossible for me to describe because it’s not the point – the point is the experience these two people have, with each other and independently of each other, and the point is also the reader’s observation of and involvement in their story. Funny, Painful, Amazing:

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