Fox on Books

Book reviews, opinions, musings and ramblings. General bookish excitement!

Archive for the month “May, 2014”

The Dream Thieves – by Maggie Stiefvater

Hello, dear readers.

dreamthievesI’m going to start providing summaries at the top of my reviews, for those who want the TL:DR version. Behold:

Gansey and the Raven Boys need Blue’s help to find the resting place of a long-gone Welsh King, Glendower. Time’s running out, though, because they’re not the only ones searching. This is brilliant YA fantasy, and one of the few series that’s great for boys and girls. It’s also SFT (safe for teens) – Blue has to worry a little about boys, but the focus is on the race against time, the chase, and the bromances rather than the romance.

Want more than two cents? Read on!

Do you know what one of my favourite things in YA fantasy is? Originality. It’s not a prerequisite – I enjoy many YA fantasies that are variations on themes, such as a really well done dystopian novel. They’re hardly rare, but a well-executed story will often override the sense of deja vu.
Read more…

The Fault in Our Stars – Movie React/Review


In the coolest job perk EVER, about two weeks ago I got to go to an advance screening of the Movie Most Likely to Make Grown Humans Ugly Cry in Public.

Edit: BE PREPARED. I’m not kidding. I brought these with me:TFiOSTiss

There is next to zero chance you haven’t already noticed me obsessing about this book, and about the upcoming movie. And I’m SO GLAD I DID, because I freaking well adored it!

It’s pretty rare for a movie adaptation of a book you adored beyond all reason, I mean that you enjoyed, to not suck, and I am so thrilled to be able to opine that the TFiOS movie absolutely did NOT suck. It was everything I wanted it to be. And that’s saying A LOT.

I mean, this guy:


And this lady:



I’m not going to lie, there were feels and they were intense.

From about halfway through – you can surely guess where – I cried pretty steadily ’til the end. And I didn’t cry nearly as hard as others.

(Quick aside: Supernatural really has a gif for everything.)

I will say, however, that it was that necessary, cathartic, releasing kind of crying, when you’re going through something you wouldn’t miss out on for the world and your tear ducts just have to bear the brunt of it.

Seeing this with a cinema full of my colleagues was… a unique experience, making it both better and worse. I’ll let you know if it’s any different when I see it for a second time.

What? You didn’t think I’d be content with one screening, did you?!

Read the book. Watch the trailer. See the movie – out in Australia on June 5th!

Okay? Okay.

I’m Baaaaack!

You know that thing you do, where you’re in the middle of a brilliant book, you look up and you’ve missed your tram stop?Book Life

That’s basically what happened here.

I’ve been reading so much, and working so much, and gallivanting, well, a bit, and completely neglecting foxonbooks.

But no more! I’m back, and about to start filling you in on all the awesome (and not-so-awesome) books I’ve been knocking off my TBR pile.

There’ll be a few format changes, a few new things, and some that will be familiar.

nerdjohngreenI miss ranting about these wonderful reading experiences. I miss my fellow nerds. This is going to be great fun!

But enough about me – how are you?? More importantly, what have you all been reading? I could use a few recommendations!

We have SO much to catch up on. I can’t wait!

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