Fox on Books

Book reviews, opinions, musings and ramblings. General bookish excitement!

Archive for the tag “Rebecca Chance”

I’ve Got Your Number – Sophie Kinsella

numberI’m a sucker for a good chick-lit blurb, and this one caught my eye a few months ago. I finally got the chance to read the book. Meet Poppy. Her life’s a wee bit complicated, with a wedding next week and a million things left to do.

Disaster! Poppy Wyatt’s lost her engagement ring (a priceless family heirloom ring, no less). Not only that, her phone’s been stolen! So there’s no way for the hotel to call her when they find the ring – until she finds a phone dumped in a bin in the hotel lobby. Thank goodness! Finders keepers, right? But as it turns out, this phone belongs to businessman Sam Roxton’s company, and he’d like it back, thank you very much. In order to use the number Poppy desperately offers to act as Sam’s PA for a few days. And if she accidentally reads some of the messages she’s passing on, well, that’s unavoidable really. And if she begins to help Sam out by organising a few things on his behalf, well, he should appreciate the help. Unless he doesn’t. Oh. Call Me Maybe:

Divas – by Rebecca Chance

I’m starting this review a tad off topic: you may recently have heard of a little book called Fifty Shades of Grey? I certainly have, it keeps selling out not only at our store but everywhere. It’s sold more than a million copies in Australia alone in the past 11 weeks, according to the Herald Sun.* My Mum, best friend and countless FB friends are among the thousands of women to indulge in a bit of Grey action.

We’re getting a lot of post-Shades customers coming in for similar stuff, which means there’s been discussion at work about books along similar lines, and as a bit of a chick lit fan I took the opportunity to read Divas, one of the follow-up suggestions. Here’s what I thought of Rebecca Chance’s self-proclaimed ‘bonkbuster’:

Lola’s your average spoilt little rich girl, the apple of her Daddy’s eye. And she has the black credit cards to prove it – until her Dad mysteriously falls into a coma while he’s being cared for by Carin, Lola’s evil stepmother, and Carin promptly cuts off Lola’s trust fund, leaving Lola floundering. That same day stripper-cum-mistress Evie wakes up to find Carin and her henchman in the apartment given to her by ‘Benny’, and is summarily evicted. Turns out Lola’s Daddy was also Evie’s sugar daddy – and he forgot to put the deed to the apartment in Evie’s name. Now Lola and Evie find themselves wary allies against the malevolent Carin, both fighting to regain control over their money and their lives. Who’s Screwing Who?

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